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The Ruach HaCarmel Jewish Education Program

Preparing the Next Generation of Jewish Studies Teachers at the University of Haifa

The University of Haifa's Center for Jewish Education envisions a new approach to prepare the next generation of educational leaders and teachers working in the Israeli school system and in day schools in North America.  Ruach HaCarmel (The Spirit of Carmel) is an enriched Jewish Education Program that will prepare the next cadre of educational leadership for equipping graduates with a solid grounding in Judaic texts, a firm grasp of 21st century pedagogy, a deep commitment to Jewish pluralism and an infectious sense of joy.

Home to the only fully accredited Faculty of Education in Israel and a leading Faculty of Humanities that excels in Jewish studies; the University of Haifa possesses the expertise and the broad academic perspective required to launch this new initiative.  The new program is significantly revitalized the stature and results of Jewish teaching and learning in Israeli and North American schools.

The Ruach HaCarmel Jewish Education Program

Under the auspices of the Center for Jewish Education, Ruach HaCarmel Jewish Education Program offers a select group of Education and Judaic Studies students a superior academic and professional development experience.  The Program offers an accelerated BA/MA degree (providing a double major in Education and Judaic Studies and an Israeli teaching certificate in Bible and Jewish Thought) followed by a schlichut (service) component in which graduates teach in Jewish day schools in North America.  A unique feature of Ruach HaCarmel is a student exchange program that will allow Israeli participants to study in prestigious US universities.  While overseas, these students will engage in teacher training in local Jewish schools that will enrich their perspectives on education, Jewish studies and the Jewish communities in the US and around the world.

Ruach HaCarmel offers a more holistic approach to training Israel's next generation of teachers.  In addition to its degree studies, the educational framework includes two key enrichment pillars:

1.Student Exchange

The goal of the exchange program is threefold: a. introduce Israeli students to the American Jewish landscape on university campuses; b. enrich their academic experience by taking a class at a leading research university abroad; and c. enhance their pedagogic content knowledge.  The exchange program is designed to strengthen the bonds between Israelis and the American Jewish community, while affording students the opportunity to gain a broader educational perspective.  This experience will begin to prepare them for their schlichut following graduation.

2.Beit Midrash that will serve as a hub for the enrichment programs, providing a setting for Jewish learning and celebration across the ideological spectrum.  The Beit Midrash will equip graduates with a solid grounding in Judaic texts, a firm grasp of 21st century pedagogy and a deep commitment to Jewish pluralism.

About the University of Haifa

The University of Haifa is Israel’s youngest and most diverse institution of higher education.  With a faculty and student body comprising Jews, Arabs, Druze, Ethiopians, secular, religious, IDF soldiers, sabras and new immigrants, the University of Haifa is proud to be the university that most accurately reflects Israeli society as a whole.  It differentiates us from other Israeli universities, is a source of strength, and gives us purpose.  This distinctive Israeli mosaic combined with a creative and demanding academic environment affords the University of Haifa a unique vantage point from which to respond to the major social, political, cultural, technological and economic challenges facing Israel and the world Jewish community.

A New Paradigm for 21st Century Teachers

Today Jewish education is suffering from a lack of well-qualified Judaic Studies professionals.  In order to bring Israeli and North American Jewish youth closer to our traditions and texts, it is imperative that we invest in a cadre of young, enthusiastic teachers who are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and cultural sensitivity to truly inspire their students.

As Israel's most pluralistic university and the only Israeli university with a Faculty of Education, the University of Haifa is uniquely qualified to prepare tomorrow's teachers of Judaic Studies. The Ruach HaCarmel program provides an unparalleled academic experience integrating educational training and Judaic studies.  Graduates of the program will make significant contributions to Jewish life and learning in Israel and North America.

Ruach HaCarmel aspires to make a lasting imprint on Jewish communities in Israel and North America, strengthening Jewish identities and instilling a spirit of scholarship and pluralism among educators and students.
